
Team admission continues at good pace and already reaches the success mark

2009-09-16 23:11

2009 is the year of all contrasts and surprises. After many uncertainties and a reasonable despair here we are touching the critical mark of success - Fifty international teams.
If somebody six months ago, in the middle of the depression, told us that we will reach 50 teams by the end of regular registration period we for sure would smiled with a nervous tone and we would say something to disguise the fact that we were at the edge of a very high cliff.

But we are adventure racers ourselves, so reaching the finish line is our lighthouse and the wish to always improve our fuel. Thus, against all odds we maintained course and today we can say that we prevail by managing to join together the most complete and competitive start list of the planet.

The seventh edition of the Adventure Racing World Championship in Portugal will be, with any doubt, the most disputed ever with the presence of almost all the TOP THREE TEAMS from the World Series.

Time will judge our capacity and the one of the teams to fully withstands the challenges of the race in The Land of Light, our amazing Lusitanea.


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Date Title
2010-01-25 More than 750 news and articles published in 32 countries confirms the success of ARWC Estoril XPD 2009
2010-01-12 Lots of HD videos are already available!!!! Share and enjoy!!! :):)
2009-12-24 Several HD Videos are already available for the First and Second day of the World Champs. Share and enjoy!!!
2009-12-19 Aftermath of the Epic Race
2009-12-18 ARWC Portugal 09 Highlights will be broadcast worldwide this week on Transworld Sport
2009-12-13 Warren’s account of winning the World Championships
2009-12-05 Paulo Calisto full photo album available at ARWC Portugal 09 Facebook Page
2009-11-30 Video Clip; Winning the World Championships
2009-11-25 at the World Championships
2009-11-25 View from the Van Part II
2009-11-23 Smart, Fast and Angry – Winning the World Championships
2009-11-23 A Big Fly on the Wall
2009-11-16 The End
2009-11-14 Helly Hansen Prunesco are the Champions
2009-11-13 Death by a Thousand Cuts
2009-11-13 Aldeia Do Mato – The Pressure Increases
2009-11-13 End of the mountain bike section
2009-11-13 Day five
2009-11-13 Sleepers and Weepers
2009-11-13 Day Three
2009-11-12 A Puzzling Day
2009-11-12 Storming the Castle
2009-11-12 Results
2009-11-11 Rush Hour
2009-11-11 At Assistance Point 3 - Time is Tight
2009-11-11 On the Road to Malpica do Tajo
2009-11-11 The View from the Van
2009-11-11 Slowly Down the River
2009-11-10 A Battle in the Mountains
2009-11-10 A Long Night in the High Mountains
2009-11-09 Windmills in the Clouds
2009-11-09 Stage One Sets the Scene for a Gruelling Race
2009-11-08 Multisport Mayhem in Cascais
2009-11-08 The 2009 biggest challenge has started 2 hours ago
2009-11-08 A Brief Introduction to a Long and Complex Course
2009-11-08 Stages and Sections details
2009-11-07 The Trials of a Race Director
2009-11-07 Info Bulletin nº 5 - Assistance Raid Book
2009-11-07 Follow My Team!!!
2009-11-05 Team Accelerate - First British Team to Arrive.
2009-11-05 Map with the more Important Locations in Cascais area added to the event programme
2009-11-05 ARWC 09 Trainning Camps Update
2009-11-05 Google Earth File KMZ with the important locations and schedules for the Cascais Area
2009-11-05 Simplified Race Course Map
2009-11-04 The Portuguese Riviera, Lusitanea and the Schist Villages
2009-11-04 A-Z of XPD
2009-11-02 Ready to Defend the World Title
2009-10-29 Researching the "Physiology of Adventure Racing" During ARWC 2009
2009-10-25 Frequent Asked Question
2009-10-10 ARWC Portugal 2009 - Race Rules
2009-10-08 Accommodation: new option
2009-10-05 Description and Technical Data for ARWC Portugal 2009
2009-10-04 World Championship route details finally revealed
2009-10-04 World Championship Route Revealed
2009-09-29 Race Scheme for ARWC Portugal 2009 is published
2009-09-28 Championship General Data - Stages and Distances
2009-09-26 Final testing allows the closing of the race layout
2009-08-30 Provisional gear list just published
2009-08-27 Registration for the ARWC Portugal 2009 reopens again
2009-08-27 Registration for the ARWC Portugal 2009 reopens again
2009-08-12 Vila Bicuda is sold out !!!!!
2009-08-11 First admissions in the Official Team List for the AR World Championship Portugal 2009
2009-07-31 Drop a message in the newly ARWC 2009 Portugal page in FACEBOOK, ;););)
2009-07-30 More than 60 news and reports published globally are already available in our MEDIA pages
2009-07-26 The 4th ARWC Portugal 2009 Newsletter is available for immediate release.
2009-07-14 Canada was the missing flag of ARWC Portugal 2009
2009-07-10 From Sweden to New England, all the action in a non-stop Adventure
2009-07-04 Tough fight for the lead of ARWS Explore Sweden Monster 2009
2009-06-28 2787 visits from 554 cities and 69 countries reveals the success of ARWC Portugal 2009
2009-06-28 Google analytics report from last month activity of ARWC Portugal 09 Web Site is available
2009-06-22 International Media Package - Version 1 - June 19, 2009 [pdf, ~3MB]
2009-06-21 Teams from East Europe rocks in AREuroseries
2009-06-14 Portuguese Army and CP Armada are the new Portuguese AR Champions
2009-06-10 Press Report Estoril Portugal XPD Race 2008
2009-06-06 Quechua repeats victory in the Raid In France
2009-06-05 Recognition of the race BRAZIL WILD Extreme 2009 as an important event not part of the ARWorld Series
2009-05-31 Regular registration is closed and waiting list is on
2009-05-31 First photos of the race preparation are already available
2009-05-23 ARWC Portugal 2009 Tops 50 registered teams for November
2009-05-23 Castilla-León receives 2010 Adventure Racing World Championship
2009-05-12 Event Programme
2009-05-11 Early registration in ARWC 2009 gives five accommodation packages to European Teams

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