The challenge for the organizers will be delivering the event, the adventure racing sport and the sustainable live styles to the mass media both locally and internationally. The aim is produce more global exposure to this new Sport and benefits to the Teams and Institutions related with the event.
To accomplish the task we have already developed some partnerships both in Portugal and abroad that will assure the coverage of the Championship and the exhibition of a secret Portugal to their vast audiences. The written news, the photo images and video contents will be the standard sources of information that will be produced and delivered in the next six months.
The On-line coverage of the Race will be assured by several Web Sites and will allow the access in real time to scoring, photos, videos, geo tracking and messaging allowing a live interaction with the racers and race staff in the World largest non-stop Adventure.
The goals of ARWC Portugal 2009 organizers are 500 000 viewers worldwide and convey to each one of them a message of hope and trust in Future, by showing them the unique example of 300 brave men and women that dare to accept and overcame the greatest Sustainable Adventure of the World.
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